attività fisica
E' stata istituita con Decreto del Ministero della Salute in data 05 marzo 2010, in attuazione del programma ''Guadagnare salute: rendere facili le scelte salutari...
E stata istituita con Decreto del Ministero della Salute in data 05 marzo 2010, in attuazione del programma ''Guadagnare salute: rendere facili le scelte salutari...
Commento all'evento "Guadagnare Salute: i progressi delle aziende sanitarie per la salute in Italia"
L’articolo spiega le motivazioni alla nascita del programma Guadagnare Salute del Ministero del Lavoro, della Salute e delle Politiche Sociali ricostruendo anche le...
L’articolo riferisce sui primi risultati del progetto “Esperienze Intersettoriali delle Comunità Locali per Guadagnare Salute”- realizzato dal Formez per conto del...
Public health is the main discipline involved in the prevention of avoidable deaths. Toimplement interventions aimed at eliminating causes of death, and to take...
An important characteristic of meta-analysis is that the results are determined bothby tha management of the mata-analysis process and by the features of...
Although a number of environmental and policy interventions to promote physicalactivity are being widely used, there is sparse systematic information on the...
This paper draws on research in which 200 children were fitted with motion sensorsand asked to keep travel and activity diaries. The findings show that walking...
Active commuting to school by walking or bicycle is widely promoted to increasechildren’s physical activity. However, there is little data to describe the impact...
The problem of obesity and overweight is multifaceted and involves complex questions that have no simple solutions. Attention needs to be focused on a variety of...
The purpose of this article was to review population-based interventions for preventing childhood obesity carried out in school settings published between 1999 and...
An international panel of experts in areas of relevance to obesity provided guidance for the study. This synthesis research encompassed a comprehensive search of...
The first national guidance on the prevention, identification, assessment and management of overweight and obesity in adults and children in England and Wales
Questo briefing presenta le prove attualmente disponibili, tratte da review sistematiche e da meta analisi di buona qualità, pubblicate a partire dal 1996.
The purpose of this White Paper is to set out an integrated EU approach to contribute to reducing ill health due to poor nutrition, overweight and obesity.
Il progetto è nato per dare un messaggio: grazie all'attività fisica praticata in modo costante è possibile migliorare lo stato di salute di persone con obesità e/o...