CIPE EST - ITALY - Support to Italian Regions and Local Bodies in their Interaction with the Technical Structures of the European Commission for New and Future Member States

- Increasing the capacity of Ob. 1 Regions in order to interact in a concrete
way with Community Institutions and intervene in the decision-making processes.

- Increasing the capacity of local bodies to establish direct relations with
local bodies from member states and next accession countries as well as to
cooperate on common issues.

Lucia Santuccione
- Assessment of regional administrations competencies in the field of
interaction with the European Commission technical structures and the new and
future accession countries
- Survey on the organization of those departments dealing with international
activities; elaboration of a study on the advancement undertaken by regional
administrations and acknowledgment of best practices
- Acknowledgement of the international cooperation experiences gained by the
regions through national and Community funds for the Balkan regions
- Preparation of information material to be distributed to the regions on the
new EU proximity and pre-accession instruments (ENPI and IPA), as well as on
other national and Community financial instruments for international
- Assistance in the organization of the regional representation offices in
Brussels and the establishment of relationships with other European regions
- Drafting of a concept paper on the organizational bodies and the cooperation
experiences with the Balkan and Mediterranean countries, regions and other
member states (Spain, France, Germany)
- Training of local and regional civil servants in order to interact with
Community Institutions for defining EU policies
- Preparation of an institutional résumé for participating in international
events or for contacting international partners

Data Inizio: 
Data Fine: 

Final beneficiaries are local bodies from Ob.1 regions and new and next
accession countries.

Ambito Territoriale: 
Fonte di finanziamento: 
Sviluppo locale
Responsabile Progetto: 
Saveria Spezzano
Unità organizzativa: 
Attività internazionali